It's at that stage you change your policy and switch to using a source control system to track changes - but what to do with code?!
I'm a big fan of the "start again" approach and so I wrote this little PL/SQL routine to find the source code of a package body in Oracle and remove *almost* all the comments. The comments it will keep are those that exist on a line of code. For example if we have the code block;
/* This is a standard block
comment */
-- prepare to increment loop counter
v_Int := v_Int + 1; -- increment loop counter
Then this routine will strip out the block comment and the point where the line starts with "--" but *not* the comment that comes after the line of code (the -- increment ...).
Of course you can tailor this to your heart's content.
Now, a little note on execution. I use PL/SQL Developer from All Round Automations to do my editing. This has a nice feature called a "Test Window". This allows you to pass parameters to/from a script. I've used this feature with this script to generate a script that populates two parameters, one with the original source code and the other with the "edited" version. If you don't use PL/SQL developer you'll need to find some other way of achieving this.
Anyway, here is the script, you'll need to replace &XXXXX with your package name:
-- Local variables here
v_CharNo number := 1;
v_CharCount number;
v_InComment boolean;
v_AddChar boolean;
v_SourceCode clob;
v_Chars varchar2(2);
v_Text all_source.text%TYPE;
cursor c_GetSource is
select text
from all_source
where name = '&XXXXX'
and type = 'PACKAGE BODY';
procedure addToCLOB(v_Text in varchar2) as
dbms_lob.writeappend(v_SourceCode, length(v_Text), v_Text);
-- Test statements here
dbms_lob.createtemporary(lob_loc => v_SourceCode, cache => False);
:old_data := '';
for v_Line in c_GetSource loop
v_Text := trim(v_Line.Text);
if substr(v_text, 1, 2) != '--' then
end if;
end loop;
:old_data := v_SourceCode;
v_CharCount := length(:old_data);
v_InComment := False;
while v_CharNo <= v_CharCount loop
if (not v_InComment) and (substr(:old_data, v_CharNo, 2) = '/*') then
v_InComment := True;
end if;
v_AddChar := not v_InComment;
if v_AddChar then
:new_data := :new_data || substr(:old_data, v_CharNo, 1);
end if;
if (v_InComment) and (substr(:old_data, v_CharNo-2, 2) = '*/') then
v_InComment := False;
end if;
v_CharNo := v_CharNo + 1;
end loop;
Pretty simple stuff, if you have any questions drop me a comment ...
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